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The Judges Hut aka the Tea Hut

April 2, 2021

A nice place to sit!

The task of a show judge is generally under estimated: get up for an early start to the day in possibly freezing or tropical temperatures (lets not mention the Virginian humidity!). Arrive the at show venue and sit at a table/in their car for hours and hours on end judging peoples' riding skills and talent (or lack of!), only to have 'said' rider get annoyed at the lack of score they may have received. 
So, when building our judges hut, we planned not to contribute to the potential stress of the day by building a comfortable place to work, and hopefully be best show-venue they have ever judged! Our hut has insulated walls to help keep the cold/heat out. A refrigerator loaded with bottles of water, a wall mounted fan, comfortable chairs and desk with USB and power outlets. It took 2 weeks to build, in between looking after the farm and horses, but we are pleased to say, it is finished!
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